Changes in Intergenerational Influences on Cross-Ethnic Marriage in Taiwan
作者:謝雨生(Yeu-Sheng Hsieh)、陳怡蒨(I-Chien Chen) | 首次發表於 2020-06-28 | 第 42 期 June 2009
研究論文(Research Articles)
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本研究目的有三:(1)探討台灣跨族群婚的代間影響及其族群間差異,(2)探究跨族群婚的代間影響隨世代和子代教育的變化,(3) 比較「娶媳婦」與「嫁女兒」的跨族群婚代間影響之差異。分析資料取自社會變遷基本調查共九期的合併檔資料,總分析樣本數為11,275組婚姻配對的兩代資料。娶媳婦資料為婚姻配對中先生的族群婚配與先生父母族群婚配的組合,嫁女兒資料為婚姻配對中太太的族群婚配與太太父母親族群婚配之組合。使用表列分析和邏輯迴歸分析,並驗證六個研究假設。分析發現:在控制了族群、世代和教育的影響後,親代跨族群婚家庭的子代跨族群婚的機會比較高,不論是娶媳婦或嫁女兒都是如此, 不過跨族群婚的代間影響會隨世代而下降,但子代的教育本身會增加其代間跨族群婚的機會。娶媳婦的跨族群婚之代間影響效果有族群間的差異,且其代間影響強度也隨世代減弱,但沒有隨子代教育的上升而減弱。相對的,嫁女兒的跨族群婚雖也有代間影響,但影響沒有族群間的差異,同時其代間影響強度也沒有隨世代減弱,卻隨女兒教育的提升而減弱。總之,台灣社會跨族群婚代間影響會因族群、子女代教育、子女代的出生世代和娶媳婦與嫁女兒而不同。
The three purposes of this study were (a) exploring how parental ethnic intermarriage influences adult children’s ethnic intermarriages, and to determine differences among Mainlander, Hakka, and Fukien Taiwanese; (b) clarifying intergenerational influences from ethnic intermarriages and how such influences vary according to adult children’s education; and (c) examining differences in intergenerational influences from ethnic intermarriages in terms of social distances among ethnic groups from the perspectives of grooms (i.e., getting daughters-in-law) and brides (i.e., getting sons-in-law). Data are from the 1992-2005 Taiwan Social Change Survey conducted by the Academia Sinica Institute of Sociology. Data on 11,275 intergenerational matched pairs of ethnic intermarriages were used to test six hypotheses. Results from logistic regression models indicate that adult children are more likely to marry across ethnicities when their parents have ethnic intermarriages. Statistically significant differences were found across the three ethnic groups. According to the results, the effect of parental ethnic intermarriage was not modified by increased educational achievement on the part of grooms, but the effect was decreased as the educational achievement of brides increased. For both brides and grooms, the intergenerational influence of ethnic intermarriage was found to decrease over time (i.e., less for older birth cohorts). The findings indicate that social distances among the three major ethnic groups in Taiwan differ from the perspectives of grooms and brides.
Keywords: ethnic intermarriage, intergenerational influence of cross-ethnic marriage, ethnicity, Taiwan
Keywords: ethnic intermarriage, intergenerational influence of cross-ethnic marriage, ethnicity, Taiwan