Classroom Homogeneity, Family Background, and Math Performance: A Cross-National Difference-in-Differences Analysis
作者:黃敏雄(Min-Hsiung Huang) | 首次發表於 2020-06-29 | 第 40 期 June 2008
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Does classroom homogeneity enhance the effects of family background on student performance in math? To address this question, this study uses data from TIMSS 2003, which include 47 countries for students at Grade 8 and 26 countries for students at Grade 4. This study starts with a regression analysis of math performance on student family background for each country at each grade level, and the analysis reveals a sharp increase in the effects of family background on the math performance of Taiwanese students from Grade 4 to Grade 8. The results show that the math performance of Taiwanese eighth graders is very heavily influenced by family background from an international perspective. By employing a difference-in-differences methodology which controls for country-level unobserved heterogeneity, this study finds that an increase in the country-level classroom homogeneity from Grade 4 to Grade 8 enhances the effects of family background on student math performance.

Keywords: family background, ability grouping, math performance, TIMSS, TEPS