Culture, Law and Strategy: Settlement Processes of a District Mediation Committee
作者:容紹武(Shaw-Wu JUNG) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 38 期 June 2007
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The author uses settlement sessions at a Taiwan District Mediation Committee to analyze the extent to which law encompasses local customs and the ways that the articulation of law and customs formulate people's conceptions of justice and rights. Putting individual cases in a broader and more complete context allows for an examination of the cultural meanings manifested in continuous interactions between law and customs as well as ways that participants instrumentally utilize objective rules to accomplish their strategic goals. The argument is made that the legal processes as practiced by District Mediation Committees are constitutive of local knowledge, since such Committees are spaces where the social and legal spheres meet and where participants translate their expectations of the legal system into locally shared values. The author also investigates how legal concepts such as rules and justice are put into practice, and argues that rules are not objectively promulgated with obvious and clear connotations, but invoked and counterpoised by the participants' arguments and counterarguments. Rules emerge during the processes of restatement and reiteration.

Keywords:  legal anthropology, mediation, dispute process, local justice