Labor Force Participation of the Boss's Wife: Bringing the Family Strategy Back in
作者:呂玉瑕(Yu-Hsia LU) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 37 期 December 2006
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The author uses results from a survey of 335 small businesses owned and operated by families across Taiwan to examine mechanisms underlying the labor-force participation of owners' wives. The family strategies consistent with the principle of maximum profit within a capitalist economy serve as the basis for analyzing the marginal utility of wives' labor-force status and to test hypotheses regarding their labor-force participation determinants. The findings indicate that participation status is shaped by a combination of production organization, family organization, labor market and human capital factors. Wives are more likely to work in family businesses when labor processes focus on tasks considered as commonly executed by females, when their families have extended family structures, when they have preschool-aged children, and when business location and dwelling space are the same or very close. Labor market opportunities exert a positive effect on their working outside of family businesses. Wives with higher levels of education tend to either work outside of family businesses or to stay as housewives. Those wives with egalitarian attitudes toward gender roles tend to work both inside and outside of their family businesses. Combined, the findings suggest that the labor force participation of bosses' wives is only partly explained by the maximum-profit family-strategy. The author discusses an alternative explanation of an economic survival strategy versus the maximum-profit strategy.

Keywords:  Family business, married women's labor force participation, family economic strategy, informal sector, non-wage family worker