Rethinking the Cooperative Subcontracting System: A Case Study from the Steel Industry
作者:柯志哲(Jyh-Jer Roger Ko)、張榮利(Jung-Li Chang) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 37 期 December 2006
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

Cooperative subcontracting is a common production system in Taiwan's manufacturing sector. TO date, studies of this system have focused on social networks or management practices, two perspectives that provide only partial understanding of the system's underlying operational mechanisms. In this paper we use an integrated perspective that emphasizes understanding the system's construction process and the operating economic and social mechanisms that support it, using the China Steel Company as our main example. As predicted, we observed that the cooperative subcontracting system operates according to a ”flexible firm model,” but also found that it must have supportive social mechanisms in order to fortify economic benefits. In addition, we noted the presence of multiple underlying social mechanisms, including formal social institutions capable of generating institutional trust and informal social networks.

Keywords: Cooperative subcontracting system, flexible firm, labor flexibility, social network, social mechanism