Masculinity in Taiwan's Labor Union Movement
作者:何明修(Ming-Sho Ho) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 36 期 June 2006
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

The author analyzes why the Taiwanese labor union movement presents highly militant masculinity on two levels. Masculinities are a relational social organization. A specific form of masculinity arises from a specific environment and brings about effects on gender politics. Historically speaking, Taiwan's workers have been deprived of critical traditions that could have sustained their protests, since authoritarianism brought about mass amnesia concerning previous waves of radicalism. Workers have had but relied on the most primordial common maleness in order to maintain and strengthen their solidarity. In terms of labor organization, patriarchal expectations of male superiority stand in stark contrast to the reality of class domination, at least in state-owned enterprises. Class division consequently castrated male workers. Without dignity, they were reduced to what they perceived as a feminine existence, and thus relied on collective action to express their suppressed manhood. The labor movement further consolidated pre-existing gender inequalities.

Keywords:  union movement, masculinity, patriarchy, class