Contemporary Predicaments of Group Life: A Partial View of the Future of Taiwan's Civil Society via the Grade 1-9 Social Studies Curriculum
作者:汪宏倫(Horng-Luen Wang) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 36 期 June 2006
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This article explores the potential impact of recent educational reforms on the future of civil society in Taiwan by examining the ”Social Studies Learning Area” in the controversial ”Grade 1-9 Curriculum.” Widely recognized as a modern model for group life, civil society can only be realized on the preconditions of ”modularity” and ”civility” as cultivated by education. Mass education, institutionalized by the nation-state is part of the rationalist ”modernity project” that makes civil society possible. However, the Grade 1-9 Curriculum in question has been characterized by strong ”postmodern” orientations that emphasize such features as anti-rationalism, de-centering, anti-metanarrative, multiplicity, and pleasure, among others. By evoking subjects of new kinds that differ radically from the older model of ”modern person,” the irrational and non-rational aspects of these postmodern orientations are making the preconditions of civil society untenable, while moral foundations of group life are being undermined. What group life will look like in the future deserves further attention.

Keywords: educational reform, modularity, civility, moral life, modernity and postmodernity