Differential Grade Attainment by Men and Women in a Bureaucratic Labor Market
作者:張苙雲(Ly-Yun Chang)、莊淵傑(Yuan-Chieh Chuang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-01 | 第 32 期 June 2004
研究論文(Research Articles)
研究論文(Research Articles)

論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
This paper addresses the issue of the under-representation of women in the upper echelon of the governments in Taiwan. The empirical focus is the grade attainment of civil servants in 1986. Drawing on a new 20% random sample (13,925 cases) of the 1986 civil servants in the administrative branch, we compare and evaluate different sources of the gender gap in current grad (the grade level of 1986) – education, grade level of te initial job, administrative level of the initial agency, and cumulative tenure in civil service . Six central findings are obtained. (1) Although the grade attainment process increasingly becomes bureaucratized, net gender gap on current grade attainment remains significant. (2) The gender gap in current grade is mainly due to differences between men and women in initial grade and tenure. Difference between men and women in initial grade is most important factor explaining gender gap on grade. (3) Most of the gender gap on initial grade remains unexplained by diffe rence between men and women on education, categories of job ladder, and initial administrative hierarchy. (4) Men invest more than women on educational upgrading. Training and studying have positive effect on current grade attainment. Difference on training and studying between men and women is more important than difference on educational credentials between men and women in explaining gender gap on current grade attainment. (5) As expected, education, initial grade, initial administrative level and tenure have positive effects on grade achievement. The positive effects on grade achievement are lower for women than for men depending on levels of educational credentials, initial grades, and categories of job ladders. (6) Women's deficits on current and initial grade attainment changed over time. The largest gender gap on current grade is observed among the senior group, the smallest is among the middle group, while the junior group is in between. Although the findings of this study are consistent with an organizational-centered perspective on stratification, differential effects of organizational variables do not provide a convincing explanation for the gender gap on current grade attainment.
Keywords: Internal labor market, civil servants, career development, gender
Keywords: Internal labor market, civil servants, career development, gender