Folk Religion Temples in Gara area of Taipei
作者:陳杏枝(Hsin-Chih Chen) | 首次發表於 2020-07-02 | 第 31 期 December 2003
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This study illustrates the change of folk religion in an urban setting at the turn of this century. The study surveys 113 folk religion temples in Gara area, and finds that the change is directly related to the consequences of urbanization in Taiwan. From the late 1950s to the middle of 1970s, people from the other parts of Taiwan flooded into Taipei city to look for a better life. Gara area, the southwestern corner of Taipei city, had long been served as an important rest stop for immigrants who brough in their hometown belief, folk religion, with them. However, due to the highly mobile urban population, the role of folk religion temples has gone through some profound changes. In early days, a typical temple served as a local center to integrate all local residents. This study finds that nowadays in Gara area, most of the believers of one temple do not live in the same neighborhood but live sparsely across the big metropolitan area. The finances of most temples in Gara area are from t he “service fee” of their believers who come to see spiritual mediums and look for concrete opinions to change their lots. The believers, most of them immigrants, gradually form a group to hold religious activities regularly. Through temple's activities, they build up their personal networks and find their needed support. The network building is not easy for them to find outside the temple setting, because most of them are less educated and worked as unskilled laborers or temporary workers. An urban temple serves more like a social club, and no longer serves as a local center. Finally, this study also demonstrates that there is a close relationship between urban folk religion temples and indigenous new religions.

Keywords: Religious Change, Social Change, Community Belief, Taiwanese Religion, Spiritual Medium