A Review on the Sociological Studies of Religions in Taiwan
作者:陳杏枝(Hsin-Chih Chen) | 首次發表於 2020-07-19 | 第 22 期 October 1999
研究議題與討論(Research Issues)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

This paper has an overall review on the sociological studies of religions in Taiwan. First of all, this paper briefly introduces the general history of religious studies of Taiwan. Next, this paper shows that the study of religion did not call for the attention of Taiwanese sociologists until the 1980s. Then, some research findings from the past sociological studies of religions in Taiwan are summarized in this paper. Finally, two common problems in these studies are addressed: overwhelmingly depending on Western theories in constructing research hypotheses to study the various religious phenomena of Taiwan, and lack of interest in understanding Taiwan's past history.

Keywords: Taiwanese religion, Chinese religion, sociology of religion, religious change