A Structural Analysis of Social Mobility in Taiwan, the United States, and Japan
作者:蔡瑞明(Ruey-Ming Tsay) | 首次發表於 2020-07-19 | 第 22 期 October 1999
研究論文(Research Articles)
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摘要 Abstract
本研究是針對社會流動的一個跨國比較的嘗試。社會流動研究的主要焦點是在探求上下兩代間資源與地位傳承的相關程度。基本上,社會階級的流動程度與社會結構的開放性是相對的。社會學家並沒有一個固定又清楚的指標來測量社會流動,特別是社會結構的開放和封閉程度。爲了進一步瞭解台灣近三、四十年快速發展中所展現出社會結構的特殊性,尤其是經濟發展對社會結構的影響,本研究蒐集美國與日本社會流動資料,從事國際間的比較,希望能得出台灣社會流動與其它已開發國家的差異性及相似性。本研究試圖利用最近發展出來的對數線性與對數相乘的模型(log-multiplicative models)自的守計量分析方法來解析代間的社會流動的闕連結構,並驗證Featherman-Jones-Hauser(FJH)的工業化與社會流動之關係與工業化國家社會流動匯合的假設。在跨社會的比較上,本研究採取直接的比較,利用對數線性與對數相乘模型分析比較三個社會的社會流動模式,透過設定參數的限制與調整,從事詳細的比較分析。本研究是以1990年代的台灣,與1970年代的美國與日本相比較。在絕對流動方面,台灣的流動情況相當接近於日本社會。在自營業方面,台灣的比例比兩國來的高。但是,這種絕對的流動差異並沒有顯現在相對流動的分析上,實際的結果顯示三個國家的相對流動比例非常接近。這種結果某種程度支持FJH所提的工業化相對流動匯合的論點。

This is a cross-national study of social mobility. Social mobility research aims to understand the process of class transmission between generations. Nevertheless, the patterns of social mobility are relational and transitional. There is no definite measurement in sociological research for determining the openness and closure of the social structure. Sociologists often rely on comparative studies among societies to measure the fluidity of a specific society. To understand Taiwan's social mobility regime, this study aims to compare the intergenerational mobility in Taiwan, the United States, and Japan. In order to highlight the special characteristics of Taiwan's social structure, in particular, its mobility pattern, this research employs log-linear and log-multiplicative models to fit the mobility tables of these three societies. In particular, this paper tests the Featherman-Jones-Hauser (FJH) hypothesis, the relationship between industrialization and social mobility and the convergence of social mobility patterns among industrialized nations, with these three cases. The study is based on the datasets from a Taiwanese survey in 1990s, and from Japanese and American surveys in 1970s. The results show that Taiwan's absolute mobility pattern resembles Japanese one rather than that of the United States. However, in terms of relative mobility patterns, these three countries do not have significant differences among them, which to some extent supports the FJH hypothesis.

Keywords: Social Mobility, Social Class, Social Structure, Absolute Mobility, Relative Mobility