Shadow Education, Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment
作者:孫青山(Ching-Shan Sun)、黃毅志(Yih-Jyh Hwang) | 首次發表於 2020-07-29 | 第 19 期 March 1996

論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
Using the data of Social Change Survey in Taiwan 1992, this paper explores the related causal mechanism of the social economic background on the educational attainment. Our exploration interprets the effects of the social economic background on the educational attainment in Taiwan particularly mediated by the educational resources in which one possessed: the amount of shadow education received, working or making money for the family during studying in school, and the family's studying environment which is reflected by the parent's encouragement and/or educational related material support. Those three variables can be conceptualized as the educational resources using by Teachman. Although the concept of cultural capital has theoretical implication, its effect on the educational attainment in this study has not been obviously. It is probably due to the system of united entrance examination in the school continuation process on Taiwan relies only upon the testing grade for the accepting of the qualifying student and which is fairly evaluated. For that reason, the effect of the cultural capital on the school continuation probability is not found.
Keywords: Educational attainment, Educational resources, Shadow education, Cultural capital, Education continuation probability
Keywords: Educational attainment, Educational resources, Shadow education, Cultural capital, Education continuation probability