The Social Bases of Transitional Justice
作者:汪宏倫(Horng-Luen Wang) | 首次發表於 2022-10-07 | 第 71 期 June 2022
研究紀要(Research Notes)
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
Recently, transitional justice has become a hot academic and political issue in Taiwan, witnessing the rapidly growing number of literature in the field. However, due to the lack of empirical research on this topic, we know very little about the following questions: What are the social bases of transitional justice? How much does the general public know about transitional justice? Do people support transitional justice? What are the factors that influence people’s views and attitudes towards transitional justice? Using data from the 2020 Social Image Survey, this study analyze the social bases of transitional justice by empirically investigating the attitudes and views of the general public. We find that party inclination and national identity are the two primary factors influencing people’s views and attitudes towards transitional justice. Next to them are gender and generation, but the direction of generation’s impact is opposite to that expected by conventional wisdom. Most noteworthy is the lack of any significant impact from ethnic background—in other words, the data reject the conventional view that transitional justice should trigger ethnic antagonism.
Keywords: transitional generation, post-transition generation, party inclination, national identity, consensus
Keywords: transitional generation, post-transition generation, party inclination, national identity, consensus