A Sociological Archeology of the Sacralization of the Inner-Worldly Profession: Re-Examining Martin Luther’s Beruf Concept in Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
作者:黃敏原(Min-yuan HUANG) | 首次發表於 2021-10-24 | 第 51 期 December 2012
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

In The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Max Weber discussed the social effects following Martin Luther’s translation of the Holy Bible in terms of his personal style and theological interpretation. According to Weber, Luther transformed the meaning of the term Beruf, and the modification changed theological thinking in what he called the “Protestant-German area”; he further claims that even the “Catholic-Latin area” and other protestant sects were influenced by the change. In this article I discuss the specificity of this analysis and the logic behind Weber’s investigation of the development of the protestant ethic, defining this particular reasoning as a kind of “ideal typical” methodology, and observing that Luther and his translation occupied a central position in Weber’s book. I respond to two questions in this article: Does etymological archeology concerning the Beruf concept justify Weber’s main argument? And How would the theologians and the Christian civilization historians think about the “social reality” as described by Weber?

Keywords: Sacralization of the Inner-worldly Profession, Ideal-type, Beruf, Catholic-Protestant Contrast, Etymological Archeology