The Applicability of New Occupational International Socio-Economic Index in Taiwan’s Social Science Research: An Example Based on Face-to-face Survey of Adults’ Occupations
作者:李佩嬛(Pei-Huan LEE)、黃毅志(Yih-Jyh HWANG) | 首次發表於 2020-06-02 | 第 49 期 June 2012
研究紀要(Research Notes)
研究紀要(Research Notes)

論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
過去研究曾發現就臺灣學生自陳父親職業問卷調查而言,Ganze- boom與Treiman的「國際四碼新職業社經地位量表」建構效度明顯比不上「臺灣地區新職業社經地位量表」。至於在面訪成年民眾的較詳細職業調查中,「國際新職業社經地位量表」與「臺灣地區新職業社經地位量表」的建構效度相較究竟如何?仍有待進一步研究評估。本研究採用面訪成年民眾的2005年「臺灣地區社會變遷調查」全國代表性樣本資料做分析,比較「國際四碼、一碼新職業社經地位量表」與「臺灣地區新職業社經地位量表」這三項職業測量的建構效度。研究發現顯示:整體而言,建構效度以「臺灣地區新職業社經地位量表」略高,而「國際一碼新職業社經地位量表」與「國際四碼新職業社經地位量表」相近。
Previous studies have shown that in terms of father’s occupation as reported by Taiwanese students, the construct validity of Ganzeboom and Treiman’s (2003) new Four-digit Code Occupational International Socio-Economic Index (ISEI) is substantially lower than the New Taiwan Occupational Socio-Economic Scale (NTSEI). Regarding the more detailed occupational surveys involving face-to-face interviews with adults, the construct validities of ISEI and NTSEI are still awaiting evaluation. We use national data from the 2005 Taiwan Social Change Survey (collected through face-to-face interviews with adults) to compare the construct validities of three occupational scales: four-digit code ISEI, single-digit code ISEI, and NTSEI. According to our results, NTSEI had the highest construct validity of the three, with the two types of ISEI having similar levels.
Keywords: New International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status, New Taiwan Occupational Socio-Economic Scale, construct validity
Keywords: New International Socio-Economic Index of Occupational Status, New Taiwan Occupational Socio-Economic Scale, construct validity
- 關鍵詞:
- 國際新職業社經地位量表
- 臺灣地區新職業社經地位量表
- 建構效度