Urbanization, Ethnicity and Intergenerational Change in Religion: A Study of a New Religious Group in Taiwan
作者:陳杏枝(Hsinchih Chen) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 35 期 December 2005
研究紀要(Research Notes)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract
本文是以「諾那華藏精舍」92名皈依信眾的訪談資料,來瞭解參與密宗的信眾特質,並且以質性比較分析(Qualitative Comparative Analysis)方法,試圖找出一些社會結構性因素來解釋這一波新興宗教的興起。本研究主要發現如下:(1)受訪信眾的出生年主要分佈於1961至1970年之間,皈依精舍的年齡集中於26至35歲之間;教育程度專科以上者佔全體的二分之一;職業分佈是以白領工作為主;父親籍貫為外省者佔全體將近三成;(2)外省信眾的信仰變遷主要來自族群融合的影響。外省父親輩的信仰受到本省籍配偶的影響,從「無信仰」轉變到能接受供奉祖先,到大廟拜拜,甚至晚年也願意持誦佛號。而子女因受到本省籍母親的影響,也容易從「淡化」民間信仰和「淡化」佛教的基礎上,轉向制度性佛教;(3)本省信眾的信仰變遷主要受到都市化的影響:一是遷移使個人和原居地的信仰脫節;二是都會生活方式對傳統民間信仰形態所形成的衝擊,較有利於制度性宗教的發展。遷徙使得本省信眾的信仰呈現「淡化」民間信仰和「淡化」佛教,在台北都會中很容易加入製度性宗教。在都會中出生成長的本省信眾,其父親輩信仰早已有「淡化」民間信仰的跡象,年輕輩這種「淡化」民間信仰和「淡化」佛教的情形比起父親輩更為明顯,也很容易加入製度性宗教。

The author analyzes the characteristics of participants in a Taiwanese religious movement that emerged in the mid-1980s: Nona-Huatsang Tantric Buddhism. Data were collected via interviews with 92 randomly selected believers, and the method of Qualitative Comparative Analysis was applied. The main findings are: a) in terms of demographics, most of the interviewees joined the group at the age of 26 to 35 (born between 1961 and 1970), approximately one-half have college degrees, and about one-third are the children of fathers born in mainland China; b) assimilation among ethnic groups facilitated religious changes in mainlanders-that is, members of the second generation of mainland migrants reported that they were influenced by mothers of Minnan or Hakka descent in terms of religious activity; and c) religious changes among Minnan and Hakka believers have been strongly affected by the rapid urbanization of Taiwan.

Keywords: Tantric Buddhism, Taiwanese religion, urban religion, religious change, assimilation among ethnic groups