Discovering the Trends and Structures of Institutional Trust: The Pooled Ordinal Ratings Approach
作者:張苙雲(Ly-Yun Chang)、譚康榮(Tony Tam) | 首次發表於 2020-06-30 | 第 35 期 December 2005
研究論文(Research Articles)
論文資訊 | Article information
摘要 Abstract

To advance the quantitative study of trust, we propose the pooled ordinal ratings approach as a versatile measurement and modeling framework. Based on ordered logistic regression model originally designed for panel data, the proposed strategy makes much better use of the available data and allows more penetrating analysis of central questions than are possible with conventional descriptive techniques. For illustration, we apply the approach to a large pooled data set drawn from 35 surveys conducted in Taiwan over 14 years. Four major findings were obtained: (1) The trust placed by the public in Taiwanese institutions has undergone a steady decline between 1990 and 2003, a trend not evident for trust in natural persons; (2) In descending order, the most trusted institutions are professional roles, non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, institutional system, the government, and official positions; (3) Types of institutional failure (particularly remedial mechanism) can statistically explain why the public trust non-profit and for-profit more than government organizations, and trust non-profit more than for-profit organizations; and (4) Relative to trust in natural persons, overall institutional trust is low except when compared to trust in strangers.

Keywords: institutional trust, personal trust, ordered logistic regression, Taiwan social change
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